My Thoughts & Impressions in Pharmacy at SMKN 5 Tangerang Selatan

When I graduated junior high, I wanted to go to a regular high school. During the holidays after the National Exam (Ujian Nasional/UN), my sister introduced me to SMKN 5 Tangerang Selatan, a vocational high school that has three majors, one of which is Clinical Pharmacy. I found it interesting, so I made a quick research on the internet and even went to the school to find out more about it from the staff and the majoring teachers. And then, I re-evaluate my decision, and eventually, I chose to go to the Clinical Pharmacy major at SMKN 5 Tangerang Selatan. Not only because it’s one of the schools that offers a good Clinical Pharmacy education, but also because it’s near my house.

Once I registered myself, I was told that I need to take the assessment test. So I spent the rest of my graduation holidays studying all about pharmacy and stuff. I was so glad that my hard work was paid off; I passed the test and I got in! But it didn’t end there. I had to go through the orientation phase. It was surprisingly easy.

On my first real day of school, I began to realize that the teachers deeply understood the field that we’re dealing with, and they explained the whole thing very well. We started from the basics such as the pronunciation of the medicine’s Latin names, the ways to concoct the medicines correctly, etc. It was quite hard because I didn’t think that I was going to learn about all of these back when I was preparing for the assessment test. But after a few months, with the help of my teachers and my friends, I was significantly progressing.

It was fun being in a positive environment that support my educational and career interests, but I still have more challenges to overcome. I noticed that I can’t always be stuck in one place because there are so many people out there who are willing to try their best and I have to keep moving forward and never give in.

I’m ending this post by wishing that I will excel in the future.

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